Current news headlines
Planned Parenthood video removed, Daleiden protests June 2017
Bill Nye’s overpopulation claims resurface, but America disapproves June 2017
Faces matter, even before you’re born June 2017
Action alert on Supreme Court nominee Judge Gorsuch March 2017
World Down Syndrome Day as celebrated in Rochester March 2017
Good Friday Prayer Service and Stations of the Cross in Reparation for Abortion March 2017
Action alert on Title X funding successful February 2017
Down syndrome progress but not in France January 2017
RARTL Oratorical Contest for high school juniors and seniors January 2017
Washington Women’s March: only for some women January 2017
India’s sterilization camps ordered closed October 2016
Adult stem cells to be studied for traumatic brain injury October 2016
Gallup says Americans suddenly pro-choice. True? October 2016
Britain’s new PM has voted pro-life Summer 2016
AMA considering dropping opposition to assisted suicide Summer 2016
Threat to the Hyde Amendment from Democrat Party Platform Summer 2016
Texas protected women, SC protected predators Summer 2016
Abortion changes in Russia March 2015
World Health Organization: cheaper vs. safer March 2015
Palliative care concerns in Canada March 2015
Pro-life billboards in Rochester August 2015
New York Times: overpopulation not a problem after all August 2015
Belgian doctors “killing patients who have not asked to die” August 2015
Congratulations West Virginia August 2015
Surrogacy goes south to Mexico November 2014
RIP Sandra Cano of Doe v. Bolton November 2014
LIFE Runners at 5K November 2014
Judge invents assisted suicide right in New Mexico February 2014
Media non-coverage of the March for Life in Washington February 2014
Secular pro-life organizations at the March for Life 2014 February 2014
Brit Hume: “The Moral Case for Defending Life” February 2014
Duck Dynasty and cleft palate November 2014
Remember Savita in Ireland? November 2014
More India data on abortion and breast cancer November 2014
Obamacare: Federally subsidized abortion November 2014
Personhood needs state laws November 2014
Nelson Mandela vehemently pro-choice February 2014
Abortions over 56 million since Roe v. Wade February 2014
British doctors told to identify one percent as frailest October 2012
“Palliative care” expansion – not just for the terminally ill October 2012
Placental cells and maternal heart healing March 2012
Planned Parenthood targets your kids March 2012
The power of public opinion: Payne County Bank April 2011
KIDS – Keep Infants with Down Syndrome April 2011
Shocking video and surprising lawsuit April, 2011
Much ado about Maafa in Princeton April, 2011
Pope celebrated vigil for “nascent human life” January, 2011
Nickleson push for euthanasia threatens us all – No Less Human defends disabled August 2010
Pro-Life Congressman Chris Smith Tells U.N. Abortion Will Harm, Not Help, Millennium Goals August 2010
Abby Johnson – From Planned Parenthood to Pro-Life January 2010
Saving a Leg and a Life – Do We Have to Amputate? December, 2010
Obamacare – Inaccurate Claims of 2010 December, 2010
Eggsploitation: egg donation hazards August, 2010
UN Committee Attacks Motherhood, Demands New “Rights” for Women August, 2010
Embryos not human, rules Korean high court August, 2010
No Constitutional Right to Assisted Suicide in Montana – but Not Against Current Law January, 2010
Getting Real – A Saline Abortion in Rochester September 2009
Infant mortality: Is it really so bad in the U.S.? September 2009
Maternal-Fetal Medicine – a different specialty September 2009
“Those of us who support legal protection for the unborn are dismissed as idealists…” September 2009
Flashpoint! A Woman’s Right to Choose February 2009
Please read the excerpts and follow the link to the whole story. It will make your day.
Choose Life License Plate Success Stories February 2009
Pro-Lifers in Obamaland February 2009
UNICEF Report Ignores Child Survival February 2009
Christmas Irony 2009 February 2009
Pro-Life Community TV in Rochester February 2009
Bishops punishing bishops? December 2008
UN pro-lifers at further risk December 2008
Bush issues conscience protection rules December 2008
Repair of intestines and a new trachea December 2008
Pro-lifers: Election day is done, but not our work November 2008
Rochester Area Right to Life PAC Endorsements October 2008
AIDS conference focuses on abortion October 2008
Guilt and shame and the APA October 2008
Missouri pro-life display vandalized October 2008
Teen Oral Sex Ad Funded by Taxpayer Dollars August 2008
40 Days for Life – in Rochester for the first time August 2008
A pro-life worker in Israel August 2008
Continued good news – an adult stem cell status report August 2008
Award for euthanasia of the pre-born August 2008
2008 Rochester Events Recalling Roe V. Wade January 2008
Amnesty International now pushing abortion January 2008
Governor Eliot Spitzer Added to ‘Choose Life’ Federal Lawsuit January 2008
IPPF and UNFPA Ramping Up Abortion Campaigns in Africa January 2008
International Planned Parenthood Federation Launches a New Abortion Campaign in Europe January 2008
Featured Article
India’s sterilization camps ordered closed A step forward for India
Sterilization of women has long been a part of India’s efforts at population control. States are rewarded for achieving targets, which are often dependent on “sterilization camps,” where many women are sterilized under unsanitary conditions, with inadequate or nonexistent medical care afterwards.
India’s Supreme Court has now ordered that all sterilization camps be closed within three years. It also urged much better compensation for botched procedures and directed that the central government be accountable for assuring that state governments follow proper protocols, including the gathering of data.
The Population Research Institute (PRI) points out that corruption is endemic in the program, because state governments set targets for number of sterilization and may reward the best-performing areas. Women are offered the equivalent of $21 to be sterilized, but are not warned of the dangers. The Court mandated that such warnings were to be given in the woman’s own language, even though there are at least 122 major languages spoken in India.
PRI says that although this is “a step in the right direction,” the central government “must eliminate the system of bribes and incentives that drive the program.” Until that happens, PRI says, “the abuses will continue.” Read PRI’s Full Article, here.