Surrogacy goes south
Potential customers in search of women to be surrogate mothers for their children are experiencing difficulties as India and Thailand, both favored locations, are now reducing opportunities for foreigners. International disputes have arisen in recent years with surrogate mothers refusing to abort possibly handicapped babies, and the biological parents refusing to pay for or accept disabled babies.
The poverty-ridden state of Tabasco in Mexico is now seeing an increase in surrogacy traffic. Surrogacy is legal in Tabasco, but only if done “altruistically.” Therefore, contracts between the two parties do not state that the surrogate mother is to receive more than coverage for her expenses, sometimes calling it “economic assistance.” The lack of documentation of terms leaves the door open to the abuses additional to those already documented in the surrogacy field.
However, the poverty of the area means that many women are available for surrogacy who would otherwise not consider it. As the Guardian reported, one surrogate mother said, “I can’t think of any other way of getting my daughter out of the barrio.”