Nicklinson euthanasia push undermines security of us all

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Nicklinson euthanasia push undermines security of us all

21 July 2010.   A leading anti-euthanasia group has said that a disabled man’s push for euthanasia undermines everyone’s security. No Less Human, a group within SPUC Pro-Life representing disabled people, was responding to the legal challenge launched by Tony Nicklinson, who is seeking voluntary euthanasia by lethal dose. Janet Thomas of No Less Human commented: “[T]he killing of vulnerable, innocent people, whether able-bodied or not, is never right, even when those people ask to be killed. The deliberate killing of any innocent person damages the interests of us all.” [SPUC, 20 July]

 Summary provided by Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, 5-6 St Matthew Street, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 2JT, +44 20 7222 5845.

These summaries, with links to the sources, are found on their website .  The accuracy of the summaries depends on the accuracy of the cited sources, which are paraphrased rather than quoted.


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