
February 15, 2014

Media non-coverage of the March for Life 2914 in Washington

Media non-coverage of the March for Life 2914 in Washington For the most part the media ignore the March for Life every year.  The Family Research […]
November 15, 2014

Rest in peace, Sandra Cano of Doe v. Bolton

Rest in peace, Sandra Cano of Doe v. Bolton She was the Mary Doe of Doe vs. Bolton, the companion case to Roe vs. Wade.  She […]
November 15, 2014

LIFE Runners at the 5K

LIFE Runners at the 5K There are different ways to promote pro-life thinking.  Some people give speeches.  Others make music or draw pictures.  And some people […]
November 15, 2014

Remember Savita in Ireland?

Remember Savita in Ireland? Fast news tends to mean emotional reporting that can produce hysterical reactions and counterproductive efforts at corrective actions. Such was the case […]