
August 15, 2008

A pro-life worker in Israel

“There are only 7 million Israelis, and there have been at least 2 million abortions since 1948.  We’re just killing ourselves.” So says Sandy Shoshani, head […]
October 6, 2008

Missouri pro-life display vandalized

Missouri State University Students Vandalize Pro-Life Display RARTL note:  Below is the press release of Bears for Life on vandalism that occurred when a non-liberal student […]
November 11, 2008

Pro-lifers: Election day is done, but not our work

Election day is over. Pro-lifers all over the country can be glad that the phone has stopped ringing with candidates and all their friends soliciting the […]
December 23, 2008

UN pro-lifers at further risk

Hillary Clinton at State Department Worries Veterans of UN Abortion Wars By Piero A. Tozzi (NEW YORK – C-FAM)  Pro-lifers are reacting with concern at President-elect […]