
January 9, 2008

Governor Eliot Spitzer Added to ‘Choose Life’ Federal Lawsuit

The Children First Foundation is suing because of the failure of the New York state DMV to allow “Choose Life” license plates.  In September, Governor Spitzer […]
August 5, 2008

Award for euthanasia of the pre-born

A medical scientist in Britain who helped develop prenatal tests for anencephaly, Down’s syndrome and spina bifida has been honoured by Queen Elizabeth II. Professor Nicholas […]
February 18, 2009

Life and choices at the VA: Inducement to death?

Life and choices at the VA: Inducement to death? James Towey has written a warning about a publication put out by the Veterans’ Affairs (VA) that […]
February 27, 2009

The new suicide reality in Washington State

The new suicide reality in Washington State Live in Washington State?  In a crisis?  Suicidal?  Call 911.  Then what? A dispatcher sends crisis negotiators who, if […]