The best way to educate our community about the issues of life is to first educate ourselves by staying informed concerning the important local, national and international headlines that touch on the topics of abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. At Rochester Area Right to Life we’re committed to doing a lot of that legwork for you. We regularly cull the print and broadcast newswires and websites in search of the kind of defining news stories that enable all of us to make informed decisions so we can notify and educate others. And while the news out there is not always good, please know that our work continues to be guided by good!
Current Headlines
Selected from local, national, and world news, these are pieces of information that we found helpful in evaluating what we see around us in our quest to protect the most vulnerable among us. May they prove equally useful to you.
The billboard shown on this page was displayed in selected locations in Rochester for a two-month period to encourage women with unplanned and unwanted pregnancies to get help. Funding was provided by a generous, anonymous donor.
Archived Headlines
News articles prior to 2009 are residing in a “legacy” version of our website, . They will be migrated to the this current site over the next few months.
RARTL Newsletters
Current Newsletter is January 2017, winter, below.
2017 winter
2016 spring summer fall winter 2016 – 2017
2015 spring summer fall winter
2014 spring summer fall winter
2013 spring summer fall winter
2012 spring summer fall winter