The Right To Life Education Fund is a non-profit 501(c)3 enterprise in need of your generous, thoughtful contributions.
Invite us!
Perhaps the most wonderful thing you could do is to have RARTL invited to bring our display booth to your church for the weekend. We set it up, staffed, before the first service on Saturday and we staff it from then until after the last service on Sunday. Our materials include abortion, infanticide, euthanasia (assisted suicide) and there are many different ways the information can be presented. We would love the opportunity to bring our resources to you. Call us for details.
Letter-writers, newsletter article-writers, legislature watchers, phone pollers, fund raisers, special event coordinators, secretarial, intercessory prayers, public speakers, building maintenance. Call us at 585-621-4690.
Also, there are pregnancy centers in Rochester that could use help. If you do not know how to contact them, please call us at 585-621-4690 and we’ll put you in touch.
Services Provided
Our Speakers Bureau and our traveling information booth are available to schools, church groups, etc. on the pro-life issues of abortion infanticide, and euthanasia (assisted suicide) and the issues that affect them. We also provide educational materials, pregnancy referrals, legislative information, opportunities for political action, and we publish our own newsletter four times per year.