Keep Infants with Down Syndrome
Most babies with Down Syndrome do not see the light of day. When their condition is diagnosed in prenatal testing, most of the time the parents opt to “terminate” the pregnancy, thereby ending the life of the child.
A group called Keep Infants with Down Syndrome, or KIDS, stands against this trend. They say on their website
KIDS was formed for the purpose of gathering families who have children with Down syndrome and walking together in the annual March for Life in D.C. Our purpose is to raise awareness about the tragically high 90% abortion rate of babies prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome. We wish also to proclaim the joys our special children bring to us.
Do you have a child with Down syndrome? Consider joining these people in the March for Life. National Right to Life has been providing a warm place to take a break during the March.
Or at least go take a look at their website: and enjoy!