In the late 1960’s, a Rochester doctor and an attorney founded a Right to Life Committee. The Committee’s objective was to prepare and present testimony at New York legislative hearings and Governor Rockefeller’s Commission hearings; legalization of abortion in New York was being considered and debated.
Despite efforts to discourage legalization of abortion, on July 1, 1970, the N.Y. State Legislature enacted the most liberal abortion bill in the country. Thus in October, 1970, eight Rochesterians founded the Rochester Area Right to Life Committee. Focus was placed on individual committees which worked on Education, Legislation and Alternatives to Abortion. During this period, Birthright was formed, funded and incorporated as a separate service organization.
New York was the 16th and last state to liberalize abortion through legislative means. Abortion proponents turned to judicial channels and obtained their desired Supreme Court decision on January 22, 1973. That Roe v. Wade decision removed laws protecting unborn children throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy in every state.
Immediately, local and state Right to Life organizations were formed or strengthened. Local organizations became affiliates of the state organization; the state organizations became affiliates of the National Right to Life Committee.
It was obvious that only through united effort would protection for the unborn life be restored.
The purpose of the Rochester Area Right to Life Committee, Inc. is to restore respect and protection for the lives of the unborn, newborn, handicapped, terminally ill and elderly who are potential victims of abortion, infanticide or euthanasia.