The Organization
Rochester Area Right to Life Committee, Inc (RARTL) is affiliated with the National and New York State Committees to plan/implement effective legal activities for area pro-life individuals, groups and churches. The Organization is aligned along three focal points: the Committee itself, the Education Fund, and the Political Action group (PAC)
The Committee
- Monitors/ publicizes information re: Federal, State, County legislation on life issues.
- Informs members of effective communication of pro-life positions through written/phone/e-mail communication and arranges opportunities for personal legislative involvement, e.g. bus trip to Albany.
- Seeks/uses available public events, e.g. fairs to share pro-life information
- Helps establish campus student pro-life groups
- Cooperates with other groups in publicizing education and lobbying activities e.g. annual bus trip to Washington to commemorate anniversary of 1/22/73 U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision.
- Trains/schedules speakers for Life Issue presentations upon request.
- Education Fund and Political Action are two ” internal ” committees and legal entities. Although responsible to the RARTL Committee Board of Directors, these committees work in distinct areas and maintain separate treasuries.
Education Fund
Education Fund (501-C-3) Seeks to identify and maintain the most current, reliable information re. abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. Distributes written, verbal and visual information as widely as possible to the general public.
- Provides literature and audiovisuals re. fetal development, abortion, infanticide and euthanasia to individuals, schools, churches and civic groups. (Largest pro-life library in Monroe county.)
- Publishes a bi-monthly newsletter summarizing issue and activity information for distribution to individuals and groups requesting it.
- Advertises to inform public and increase awareness of life issues.
- Maintains a speakers’ bureau for presentations to local organizations.
Political Action Identifies and publicizes pro-life candidates seeking elective offices.
- Working with National and NY State RTL Political Action Committees, surveys and interviews candidates and examines previous voting records to make candidate endorsements.
- Publicizes endorsements in the community via mailings and other appropriate means.
- Notifies volunteers of opportunities to help candidates.

“If we do not demand unconditional respect for the inherent dignity of every human life, we undermine the foundation of democracy and grant the state authority over humanity that is nothing less than tyrannical. The state exists for humanity, not humanity for the state.”
(Source Unknown)
“If there are two paths that can lead us to the cures for chronic diseases that we all want but one requires the destruction of human life, doesn’t it seem reasonable to throw our finances and energies into the one that doesn’t?”
– Dr. David Stevens