All Things Legislative
A resource for anyone interested in learning more about the inner workings of our government and how you can find out what your representatives are up to.
Online all the Time
Use the search function for this website (and google for general online searches) on such topics as parental consent and population issues. There may also be useful information found in websites listed as resources. [Link to resource page will be added.]
Pro-Life Links
Interesting, informative and inspirational links to other pro-life websites. [links will be added]
Promoting Pro-Life
Sources for pro-life gifts from casual to truly beautiful, including access to local speakers, books, pamphlets and videos, plus bumper stickers, pins, buttons, t-shirts, gifts, and more. See two suggestions below or you can contact us through this website or call 585-621-4690.
Heritage House ’76
Collection of books, bumper stickers, stamps, and miscellanea. Precious Feet pins and other jewelry.
Orders 1-800-858-3040 or through their website
Victory Won
The Pro-Life Materials Source.
Lots of bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts, books. Call 1-800-767-7258 or check
Pro-Life Resources
To use any of the RARTL educational services or materials, contact or visit the RARTL office.
Pro-Life Resources Especially for Students & Teachers
(and available for others, too)
To use any of the RARTL educational services or materials, contact or visit the RARTL office.
Rochester Area Right to Life Committee – Education Fund
675 Ling Road, Suite 3
Rochester, NY 14612
(585) 621-4690
STUDENT INFORMATION. Items individually selected to suit the age and specific needs of the student or teacher are available upon request.
SPEAKERS. Knowledgeable pro-life speakers are available through the Rochester Right to Life Speakers Bureau. Speakers tailor programs for any age level.
VIDEOS, FILMS, AND SLIDE PRESENTATIONS. These provide an excellent means of communicating the pro-life message. A wide variety of audio-visuals are available through RARTL’s extensive A-V lending library. NO CHARGE TO STUDENTS OR TEACHERS FOR CLASSROOM USE.
FETAL MODELS. Actual life-size models, depicting the unborn child at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 months, are extremely effective in illustrating the humanity of the unborn.
CASSETTE LIBRARY. Numerous audio cassettes featuring pro-life speakers, media presentations dealing with pro-life issues, and seminars from a variety of sources are available for loan.

RESOURCE LIBRARY. Loan copies of all major books for all ages regarding abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are available for loan from the RARTL Resource Center.
Local Educational Material
At our local office, we have lots of information for researchers. Contact us through this website or call 585-621-4690.
Precious Feet Pins and Bumper Stickers
Count us as your local source of Precious Feet pins and pro-life bumper stickers. We would be especially interested in providing these free of charge as a part of a weekend display at your church. See the details below. Contact us through this website or call 585-621-4690.

Booth at the Catholic Men’s Conference 2016
Our display booth comes to your church
Our fully staffed booth carrying information on abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia (assisted suicide) can be scheduled for a weekend at your church. It will be set up before the first church service on Saturday (or whenever you choose) and will be left up, staffed, until after the end of the last service on Sunday. For specific activities in accordance with your preferences, please call RARTL.
Facts and figures on abortions locally, statewide and nationally. (Links will be added.)
Thoughts to Ponder
Thought provoking comments, stories and inspirational quotes. (Links will be added.)